Page 84 - Town of Newcomb Comprehensive Plan - 2010
P. 84
Town of Newcomb
Comprehensive Plan
Stakeholder Interview Summary
Responses are ranked by the number of times given.
1. What do you like about Newcomb?
Born and raised here (3x) Great community for families
Natural beauty/scenary (3x) Love the land
Quiet (3x) Like the location
People willing to help one another (2x) Location of my house
People (2x) It’s in the country
Great community for kids to grow up in Isolation
(2) Low taxes
Small town/community atmosphere (2) Enjoy the four seasons
Sense of community (2) School System
Fishing and hunting (2x) Hiking trails and canoeing
School (2x) Calming place
Off the beaten path (2x) Ski lift and skating pond
Support for senior citizens (2x) Youth programs
Everyone knows everyone Health center
History Recreational opportunities
Outdoors Community services
Location of my house
2. What don’t you like about Newcomb?
Distance to everything (6x) School is so small, if there is a few bad
Isolation (5x) students of a particular age it has a large
Weather (2x) impact on other students
Lack of services (i.e. restaurant, gas We need to ask hard questions, we’re
station) paying $4 million for 60 kids
Certain attitudes of the residents
Lack of business opportunities
Lack of employment opportunities
Wrong Town priorities
Adirondack Park Agency
Amount of state owned land
Truck traffic
No wood industry benefits
Black flies
Mud season
No fresh food
View of some of the people can be tight