Page 89 - Town of Newcomb Comprehensive Plan - 2010
P. 89

No center to community if you don’t have kids or go to church
                   School enrollment dwindling
                   Not as many affordable houses as there used to be
                   VIC not supported by the Town
                   Town highway crew is lazy
                   Bad water
                   Highway Department should work two shifts and plow earlier

                   Neutral responses
                   B & Bs are important to the Town

                   4. Where applicable, how would you rate the following facilities and services?

                                       Excellent    More Than       Less Than    Unsatisfactory   No Opinion
                                                    Satisfactory   Satisfactory                  or N/A
                   a. Town             25/21.7%      60/52.2%       18/15.7%        5/4.4%       7/6.1%
                   b. Road             13/11.8%      56/50.9%       33/30.0%        8/7.3%        0/0%
                   c. Snow plowing     29/26.4%      50/45.5%       23/20.9%        7/6.4%       1/0.9%
                   d. Police protection   7/7.1%     24/24.3%       34/34.3%       10/10.1%     24/24.2%
                   e. Fire protection   37/33.9%     59/54.1%        8/7.3%         3/2.8%       2/1.8%
                   f. Emergency        46/42.2%      48/44.0%       11/10.1%        3/2.8%       1/0.9%
                   g. Health services   48/44.1%     45/41.3%       11/10.1%        0/0%         5/4.6%
                   h. Municipal         6/5.6%       16/15.0%       22/20.6%       17/15.9%     46/43.0%
                   i. Town park and    53/47.8%      51/46.0%        4/3.6%         1/0.9%       2/1.8%
                   recreation facilities
                   j. Code             21/19.8%      55/51.9%       11/10.4%        5/4.7%      14/13.2%
                   k. Schools          48/43.6%      41/37.3%        4/3.6%         6/5.5%      11/10.0%
                   l. Senior           41/36.9%      43/38.7%        3/2.7%         1/0.9%      23/20.7%
                   m. Youth            35/32.4%      47/43.5%       11/10.2%        2/1.9%      13/12.0%
                   n.                   3/2.8%        2/1.9%        38/35.9%       55/51.9%      8/7.6%
                   o. Job opportunities   0/0%        1/0.9%        36/32.7%       64/58.2%      9/8.2%
                   p. Transfer Station   29/27.4%    59/55.7%        8/7.6%         3/2.8%       7/6.6%

                   4a. Please add reasons for any of your responses to question 4.

                   Need jobs (not retirees) (7)
                   Need businesses (4)
                   Dump/Transfer Station is poorly run, especially with respect to recycling (4)
                   Need (metered) water and sewer throughout the Town (3)
                   Town government does not communicate/is poor (3)
                   Bad roads to Goodnow Flow, state campsite and elsewhere (3)
                   No commercial/retail services (2)
                   Highway Superintendent should not use truck for personal use (2)

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