Page 3 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - May June 2022
P. 3

Official Project Description – what is our goal?

         The Town of Newcomb will implement the Newcomb Revitaliza-
         tion Action Plan, funded by a previous EPF LWRP award, by final-
         izing  design  and  construction  of  a  Community  and  Historical
         Center. The Center will include exhibits showcasing local indus-
         trial  and  cultural  heritage,  provide  educational  activities,  host

         community events, serve as a hub for outdoor recreational op-
         portunities  in  the  central  Adirondacks,  and  attract  visitors  to
         support businesses in the 5 Towns Upper Hudson River Recrea-
         tion Hub.

         The Center will take place at Overlook Park, on lands acquired
         by  the  Town  of  Newcomb,  with  unobstructed  views,  looking
         North, of the High Peaks.  As mentioned, the Center is an im-

         portant component of the Upper Hudson River, and 5 Towns
         Economic  development  strategy,  functioning  as  a  conduit  for
         outdoor recreational opportunities, economic growth, and re-
         gional  support.  The  project  will  include  historical  displays,
         offices,  meeting  spaces,  exhibit  rooms,  and  work  areas  de-
         signed for collaboration through local, regional, and state part-


         Activities at the Center will focus on three diverse but linked

         areas of economic development in the region: small business
         initiatives, regional recreational economics, and historical lega-
         cy/tourism. With the completion of this Center, it will provide
         the region with a gathering place and a center of regional activ-
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