Page 5 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - May June 2022
P. 5

We are still in the preliminary design stages and have until Feb-
         ruary  of  2026  to  complete  the  project.  Public  information
         meetings will be conducted to provide outreach and solicit pub-
         lic input on the final designs, and we are currently no where near

         that task. When we reach that point, AES will help us prepare
         presentation  materials  and  handouts  to  distribute  at  the

         Katherine Hogle – NYS DOS Office of Planning, Development &
         Community Infrastructure, Rob Wick - Project Management Spe-
         cialist Essex County Community Resources, and Hannah Neilly –
         Project Coordinator Essex County Community Resources have

         been instrumental in moving this project forwarded.

                          New - Area Web Cams

         As part of our enhanced Town webpage, we have added “live
         web cam feeds” broadcasting from two locations. The Town Hall
         and the High Peaks Golf Course. In the near future, we will be

         adding additional feeds and would like to provide space on our
         website for our businesses and community members to share in
         this project.

         In order to be considered, we ask that you reach out to us by
         calling 518-509-3603 . We will provide you with the technology
         requirements necessary for us to “embed” your camera’s code
         into our site.

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