Page 2 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - November 2020
P. 2

Update 2020 – the year of the pandemic – Robin DeLoria

         Sadly, we cannot say precisely “how the pandemic has changed us” as it is still a very
         real threat and the outcome, while hopeful, is yet unclear. The Covid-19 pandemic is
         the most dangerous challenge that I will face in my lifetime. Ultimately, for each of us, the
         safety of our families is first and foremost. No matter how one may feel about the need to
         practice social distancing, we are protecting those around us by doing so. It is really that
         This year has proven to be incredibly challenging. Many of the decisions made required
         hours of careful consideration. There were only a few that needed to be handled without
         a great deal of debate. The assistance our Town received from the N.Y.S. Department of
         Health, Essex County and our local medical center staff made it possible to rise above the
         challenges. To this day, we are at “zero” positive case. This could change, but together we
         will get through this……

         Local Projects
         This years maintenance of our Town facilities included new roofs on the Town Hall and the
         Golf Course Club House, exterior painting of the old McCoy house used by the Historical
         Museum and the town garage. In addition, the aging sidewalk entrance into the Town Hall
         was replaced with masonry paver block and new exterior lighting.
         The Highway Department work this year involved the paving of the rear and front parking
         areas at the Town Office building and the salt storage yard out at triangle on the east end
         of Newcomb. This will be the new staging area for our winter sand and salt. This upcoming
         spring, the salt storage shed near the recreational field will be demolished because it can
         not be easily repurposed. Whatever materials that can be saved will be, except for the
         base of the structure which is poured concrete.
         Summer Employment
         Even though we were unable to have the Youth Program this summer, the Town Board
         felt strongly that we needed to keep the summer staff working. With the help of our
         Maintenance Department we were able to employ the entire staff having them either
         lifeguard or work on other projects. It was a great, but short summer and we are thankful
         to have such dedicated workers.
         Boat Washing Station coming in 2021

         In 2016, the Town received a grant from the State and Municipal Facilities Program (SAM)
         for the purpose of building equestrian stalls on the Towns property over on the Campsite
         Road. (near the campsite gate) With the local community connector trail construction shut
         down by the environmental groups, during its lawsuit against the State of New York, build-
         ing these stalls would have amounted to an empty parking lot or horse trailers. Initially,
         the location was prime for equestrian riders to stage at the Campsite and trail ride from
         there into Santanoni.  (Continued on next page)

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