Page 3 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - November 2020
P. 3

This particular grant  is being administered by DASY (Dormitory Authority State of New
         York). They have allowed the Town to change its use of the project funding. The boat
         washing station will be built at the Town Boat Launch.   (Continued next page)
         Community Bank & Episcopal Church

         The Town of Newcomb has purchased the Community Bank on the south side of the street
         across from the High Peaks Overlook Park. In addition, sadly the Episcopal Church Diocese
         of Albany reached out to me, indicating that they were going to close the church down and
         offered it to us at below fair market value. This decision was made due to the declining
         parishioners attending its weekly service and the cost associated to keep it open for one
         day a week. The Town Board has agreed to purchase this building and we are currently in
         the process of title search and transfer.

         Sign Petition with concerns for the future development of a Town Center
         At  our  last  public  Board  meeting  a  petition  was  presented  requesting  the  Town
         Board to “consider utilizing” the bank for a welcome center and the church for the
         museum, with the concept that these buildings on the south side of Route 28N al-
         ready  have  public  utilities,  public  water,  public  sewer  and  public  parking  and  can
         save  the  taxpayers  thousands  of  dollars.  There  are  total  of  165  signatures  on  the
         petition, and I am told more will be gathered if necessary.

         The  Town  as  reported  in  previous  newsletters  received  a  grant  in  the  amount  of
         $1,151,281.00  from  the  N.Y.S.  Economic  Development  Cooperation  which  comes
         with a 25% matching funds. The Town fund can take the shape of cash or what is
         referred to as “in kind services”. The Town Board approved and accepted the grant
         on March 10, 2020.  The project description associated with the grant contract fol-
         The  Center  will  include:  exhibits  showcasing  local  industrial  and  cultural  herit-
         age, provide educational activities, host community events, serve as a hub for out-
         door recreational opportunities in the central Adirondacks, attract visitors to support
         businesses in the 5 Towns Upper Hudson River Recreation Hub, function as a conduit
         for outdoor recreational opportunities, economic growth, and regional support  by
         providing offices, meeting spaces, exhibit areas, and work areas designed for collab-
         oration through local, regional, and state partnerships.
         In the coming months, the Town Board will take up this topic for consideration. Pub-
         lic meetings will be held once the Town Board has had an opportunity to complete
         its deliberations and make decisions as to who, what, where, when, why and how. If
         you have any question, please call my office. I can tell you anything that you need to
         know or I will find the answer if I don’t have one for you.
         Thank You

         Robin DeLoria - Supervisor
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