Page 12 - Town of Newcomb Newsletter - March/April 2021
P. 12

•  Wear proper clothing (long sleeves and pants, light
           colored, and tucked in)

       •  Be cautious of your environment (stay on trails, don’t
           sit on the ground without putting down a pad, etc.)

       •  Check & Re-Check Yourself and Your Pets (whenever

           you come in from outside, pay attention to clothing
           boarders, joints, and thoroughly check your gear)

       •  If you find a tick: grasp the tick as close to the skin
           surface as possible. Using steady pressure, pull

           straight upwards. Dispose of the tick (place in a plastic
           bag, submerge in alcohol, etc..). Clean the site with

           soap and water, iodine scrub, or rubbing alcohol.
           Thoroughly wash hands afterwards. If you begin to

           experience symptoms like a rash or fever in the weeks

           following, be sure to visit a doctor.

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