Page 33 - catalogo tarima maciza de roble laminado
P. 33

Colors / Colores

      Thermotrated Ash  Thermotrated Eucalyptus
      Fresno Termotratado Eucalipto Termotratado  Textures / Texturas
                                                 Liso              Corte
                                                 It shows a smooth texture  A rigorous treatment that
                                                 with a flat surface. Natural   provides the strips with a
                                                 treatment without any effect.  special wear characteristic.
                                                                   Superficial scratching,
                                                 Muestra una textura lisa  combined with cutting with a
                                                 con superficie plana sin  crosscut saw.
                                                 erosionar.Tratamiento natural
                                                 sin ningún tipo de efecto.  Un tratamiento rugoso que
                                                                   da un carácter especial
                                                 Erosión           de desgaste a las lamas.
                                                                   Rayado superfcial y
                                                 Reproduces the action of   combinado con corte de
                                                 the environmental agents   sierra transversal.
                                                 on wood, improving its
                                                 appearance and locating it in
                                                 a natural place. Superficial
                                                 scratching.       Finishes / Acabados
                                                 Reproduce la acción de los  Crudo o Aceitado
                                                 agentes atmosféricos sobre  Without f nishing or Oil f nished
                                                 la madera embelleciéndola ,
                                                 y ubicándola en un paraje
                                                 natural. Rayado superficial.
      Installation Options / Opciones de Instalación
                       Opciones de Instalación


            If it is oiled, it is recommended to do it every 6 or 12 months,
            depending on the weather conditions. Clean first with water and
            neutral detergent, apply a layer of oil (factory recommended)
            emulsified in water and applicable to a brush or roller.
            When installed without finishing, the properties of the wood remain
            intact despite the fact that the natural brown/tan color of the
            wood fades and turns gray over time due to UV rays. This grayish
            appearance is equally elegant. The recommended cleaning is also
            with water and neutral detergent.

                                               34                                                                                           35                       Eucalyptus / Eucalipto
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