Page 24 - Coronation
P. 24

 WOW, it has been one hell of a year, from putting my application in to step- ping up as the 20th Elected Emperor of Las Vegas. Since being elected, I have had the luck of having a strong support system, my family has been there for me every step of the way. Thank you to my sister Chanel, my nephews Cody & Zayden for making me laugh and forgot about Court Stress, my Queen Mother Empress 19 Misty Wayves, my King Father Emperor 19 Koko Wayves, my ICPR Sammy Wayves, my aunty Empress 4 Helen Twelvetrees, and es- pecially my Empress, the 20th Elected, Midori Ice
So from the night I was crowned, there was quite a lot of work that needed to be done, events that needed to be planned, getting myself further out in the community, and working on my family line titles that I would later in- vest individuals with, and all of this would not have been possible without the great members of my organization. It appeared only a week had gone by and then I was in the car traveling to the Imperial Court de San Diego Coronation to celebrate Emperor Jay Heimbach & Empress Angel Fairfax. I was taken aback by the grandeur of Coronation and listening to stories from other Past Monarchs from across the country. I got to sit in on my first Imperial Court System meeting, along- side my aunty & ICPR. I was also pres- ent for my first crowning outside of my own of the new Emperor Mark New- some & New Empress Barbie Z. The victory party reminded me of living at home in Hawaii Nei...sardines packed in a tin can (LOL).
My next adventure seen me over to The Imperial Council of San Francis- co Coronation where I watched as my brother Emperor Nic Hunter & sis- ter Empress Mercedes Munro trans-
formed the room into glitz and glam and gave me a better idea at what Royalty really meant. The jewels, the crowns, and Mercedes dress ab- solutely blew me away. I was happy to see that they crowned the new Emperor Leandro Gonzalez & new Empress Pollo Del Mar. I couldn’t ask for greater friends, Leandro & Pollo have always reached out to say hi, and I thank you both from the bottom of my heart.
It seemed like I was on a trend at this point, going from far south Cal- ifornia up to the Bay, so I decided I needed to head back south to the In- ternational Imperial Court of Long Beach Coronation and party the night away with Elevator...Emper- or Cory Allen & Elevator...Empress Mia Farrow. These two have AL- WAYS made me feel welcomed with open arms, warm smiles, and just a radiance about them. Through this court I also got to meet a brother for life, Prince Sam, and friends that I will cherish always. At their step-up, Emperor Aaron Sharpe & Empress Paloma Volare Sharitt made a great entrance, all I could do was smile. Unfortunately, due to work con- straints, brother had to step-down, but he will always be a brother to me, no matter what.
Shortly after heading to Long Beach, it was back up to North California to attend the Court of the Great Northwest Imperial Empire – Sacra- mento Coronation of two awesome and great people, Brother Emperor Rocky Citi & my forever crazy sister Empress Betty Booger. Thank you, guys, for paving the way and mak- ing Coronations SO MUCH MORE FUN. I got to meet the Regent Em- peror Devon Musgrow and the new- ly elected Empress Jenae UnDunt. I got to experience my second ICS
Council meeting and was present for the Jose Awards. It was such an amazing time.
As you may have guessed, my next trip took me back down South to California, where my court and I got to do our first court production command for Emperor King Wells & Em- press Tequila Halston. My court members and myself had such a great time, hospitality is always fun in Orange County, and the members are the sweetest. I had a great time getting to chat and meet with the newly elected Em- peror Joseph Garcia, we even got to do Turn About together in Long Beach, what a great time I had with my King Father turned Mother at Turn About.
Finally, I decided it was time to venture outside of California, and alongside my ICPR Sam- my Wayves, we hit the road and made our way down to the Im- perial Court of Arizona Corona- tion to watch Emperor Dave Mc- Queen & Empress Akasha Knight step-down, after an amazing year of traveling and fundraising. My ICPR and I got to meet some amazing people while in Phoe- nix, Alexus Montoya, Past Mon- archs Bill Mitch, Seajay Moser, and Sophia Sinclair. At the end of the evening, I was happy for the newly elected monarchs Emper- or Eddie Broadway & the stun- ning Empress Tyra Marie.
After what seemed like weeks of non-stop traveling, my Board of Directors told me to take a break because I still had half a year to go, and so the remainder of May I got to spend time with family while continuing my work here in my Court.

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