Page 25 - Coronation
P. 25
The end of May came quickly, and next thing I was time to take a trip up to our mother court Silver Dollar Court – Reno Cor- onation. 50 SHADES OF GRAY was the theme and boy did Em- peror Jed Spendlove & Empress Savannah Jewel-Halston put on a show. We got to do our second court production command per- formance and we had fun with it, especially with the theme we were given. It has been awesome reigning alongside the newly elected Emperor Casey Heide & Empress Andranik Vuitton. Then across the border we went again,myEmpress,QueenMoth- er, King Father, and I to Royal Grand Ducal Council of Ala- meda & Contra Costa Counties Coronation to celebrate a great year led by Grand Duchess Anni Coque l’doo. We had an interest- ing adventure on their Bus Run with windows fogging over, but the best part was getting to play with Sir Queso 😉. That evening we got to watch as the new Grand Duke David Bracamontes (my brother from another mother) & Grand Duchess Cruzin d’Loo. I even got to see the Queen Moth- er Nicole play with Sir Queso, it was a hoot.
Before the year was over, I had to make sure that I got to stop in on The United Court of Austin Coronation, and their hospital- ity was everything I have heard about and more. It was a pleasure to meet with Emperor Jake Riv- iera St. Stone & Empress Simone Jewel Riviera St. Stone, and spend a little time with brother Emper- or Timothy Rolling Stone & Em- press Hexa Dulce.
For my last out of town Corona-
tion, I really really wanted to go out with a bang, and what better way to do that than by heading on over to Imperial Rainbow Court of Northern Utah – Og- den Coronation and watch as two of my most favorite people step-down. Broth- er pup Emperor Brandon Scott & Creepy Un-
cle Empress Tem- pest Windz-Foxx. I truly enjoyed this and could not have asked
for a better
way to spend
my last out of
town event as
the elected 20th Emperor of All of
Las Vegas. To the newly crowned Emperor Rod Davenport & Empress Maria Davenport, I wish you both well in your reign.
In closing, I would like to say I am sorry if I did not mention you, it was not intentional and know that you all have made my year spectacular. To the newest monarchs of Las Vegas, best of luck and I am here if you need me. The Emperor who’s al- ways smiling, easy on the eyes but not to bed, the Youngest Pinoy Butterfly Emperor,
Mikey Choy-Foo