Page 39 - Agib Bank Limited Annual Report 2021
P. 39

FVTPL all gains and losses are recognised in        exchange    is   accounted   for   as   an
                 profit or loss.                                     extinguishment of the original financial liability
                                                                     and the recognition of a new financial liability.
                 In  making  the  determination  of  whether
                 recognising changes in the liability’s credit risk   Similarly,  the  Bank  accounts  for  substantial
                 in  OCI  will  create  or  enlarge  an  accounting   modification of terms of an existing liability or
                 mismatch in profit or loss, the Bank assesses       part of it as an extinguishment of the original
                 whether it expects that the effects of changes      financial liability and the recognition of a new
                 in the liability’s credit risk will be offset in profit   liability.  It  is  assumed  that  the  terms  are
                 or loss by a change in the fair value of another    substantially different if the discounted present
                 financial instrument measured at FVTPL. This        value of the cash flows under the new terms,
                 determination  is  made  at  initial  recognition."  including any fees paid net of any fees received
                                                                     and discounted using the original effective rate
                                                                     is  at  least  10  per  cent  different  from  the
                4.15.2   Other financial liabilities                 discounted present value of the remaining cash
                                                                     flows of the original financial liability or current
                Deposit (Profit sharing accounts) are based on
                the  principle  of  Mudaraba  whereby  the           4.16   Key sources of estimation
                Company and the customer share an agreed             uncertainty
                percentage  of  any  profit  earned  on  the
                customer’s  deposit.  The  customer’s  share  of
                profit is paid in accordance with the terms and      The  following  are  key  estimations  that  the
                conditions of the account. The profit calculation    directors have used in the process of applying
                is  undertaken  at  the  end  of  each  calendar     the  Bank’s accounting policies and that have
                month.                                               the  most  significant  effect  on  the  amounts
                                                                     recognised in financial statements:
                Customer  Murabaha  deposits  consist  of  an
                Islamic  financing  transaction  involving  the      •  Establishing  the  number  and  relative
                Company arranging the purchase of an asset           weightings  of  forward-looking  scenarios  for
                on  behalf  of  the  customer  and  the  purchase    each  type  of  product/market  and  determining
                thereof  from  the  same  customer  by  the          the  forward  looking  information  relevant  to
                Company at cost plus an agreed profit (mark-         each scenario: When measuring ECL the Bank
                up)  with  settlement  on  a  deferred  payment      uses  reasonable  and  supportable  forward
                basis.  Customer  Murabaha  deposit  balances        looking  information,  which  is  based  on
                are  included  in  the  statement  of  financial     assumptions  for  the  future  movement  of
                position  under  deposits  from  customers  and      different  economic  drivers  and  how  these
                the  accrued  returns  payable  to  the  customer    drivers will affect each other.
                are  classified  under  other  liabilities.  Returns   •  Probability  of  default:  PD  constitutes  a  key
                payable  on  customer  Murabaha  deposits  are       input in measuring ECL. PD is an estimate of
                recognised on an effective yield basis over the
                period of the contract.                              the  likelihood  of  default  over  a  given  time
                                                                     horizon,  the  calculation  of  which  includes

                                                                     historical data, assumptions and expectations
                4.15.3   Derecognition of financial liabilities      of future conditions.
                                                                     • Loss Given Default: LGD is an estimate of the

                                                                     loss  arising  on  default.  It  is  based  on  the
                The  Bank  derecognises  financial  liabilities      difference between the contractual cash flows
                when,  and  only  when,  the  Bank’s  obligations    due and those that the lender would expect to
                are discharged, cancelled or have expired. The       receive,  taking  into  account  cash  flows  from
                difference between the carrying amount of the        collateral  and  integral  credit  enhancements,
                financial  liability  derecognised  and  the         including  analysis  of  the  sensitivity  of  the
                consideration paid and payable is recognised         reported ECL to changes in LGD resulting from   Annual Report and IFRS Financial Statements
                in profit or loss.                                   changes in economic drivers.

                When  the  Bank  exchanges  with  the  existing      •  Fair  value  measurement  and  valuation
                lender  one  debt  instrument  into  another  one    process:  In  estimating  the  fair  value  of  a
                with  substantially  different  terms,  such         financial  asset  or  a  liability,  the  Bank  uses

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