Page 29 - Agib Bank Ltd Annual Report and IFRS Financial statements 2020
P. 29
Total equity 305,784 15,236 - - - (19,805) 301,215 42,856 - - 4,771 (10,918) (541) 338,383 28
Income surplus (106,259) 15,236 (1,223) (3,809) (19,805) (115,860) 42,856 (4,423) (10,714) (10,918) (99,059)
Fair value Reserve -
- (541) (541)
Properties Revaluation reserve 118,148 - 118,148 4,771 122,919
Statutory reserve 37,419 3,809 - 41,228 - 10,714 51,942
Statement of Changes in Equity
Credit risk reserve 12,975 1,223 - - 14,198 - 4,423 - 18,621 13
Share Premium 2,292 - - 2,292 - - 2,292
Share Capital 241,209 - - 241,209 - - 241,209
Annual Report and IFRS Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2020
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.
As at 31st December 2020 (in thousands of Gambian Dalasi) Balance at 1 January 2019 Profit for the year Transfer to credit risk reserve Transfer to statutory reserve Revaluation Dividend Paid 2018 Balance at 31 December 2019 Profit for the year Transfer to credit risk reserve Transfer to statutory reserve Revaluation Dividend Paid in 2019 Fair Value reserve (FVOCI) Balance at 31 December 2020