Page 146 - Microsoft Word - 2019-2020 Catalog September Update
P. 146
Level II Fieldwork Grades
Score Value
71 points and above=Pass Credit
70 points and below=Fail No Credit
BHCLR-SOTA Theory and Level I Fieldwork Courses:
Grade Percentage Range Value
A 94-100 4
B 86-93 3
C 77-85 2
D 70-76 1
F 0-69 0
I Incomplete 0
W Withdrawal 0
WX Administrative Withdrawal 0
Incomplete Grades and Course Make-up Work
The opportunity to clear incomplete "I" grades and make-up missed work, including
examinations, may be available to the student. Faculty has the sole discretion in permitting the
student to make-up missed course work, including a course examination. The student's follow-
through with policy regarding attendance, the student's previous attendance records and
academic progress will be considered when making this decision. A fee is charged to offset the
school's expense associated with make-up grading, clinical time, examination preparation,
proctoring, and recording. The fee is waived for faculty directed absence due to confirmed
illness, jury duty, immediate family member death, and military purposes.
Attendance and Method of Delivery
The program is a residential program of study. Students are expected to be present and on time
for all scheduled learning experiences, and absences are strongly discouraged. It is the
responsibility of the student to notify the appropriate faculty member prior to an absence.
Missed course work, learning experiences and examinations may be made up at the discretion of
the faculty member.
Class and Fieldwork
Classes are scheduled on a regular basis and may either be in the morning, afternoon, or all day,
depending on the courses being taught at the time. Schedule of classes is determined upon
registration prior to each semester.
Credit Hours
Each required course in the professional curriculum reflects a credit hour value. The Baptist
Health College Little Rock uses the credit hour formula identified in the Academic Information
section of the Catalog.
Fall and Spring semesters are sixteen (16) weeks. The semester hour is the unit of credit used and
is defined as the amount of credit given for one clock hour in class per week for 16 weeks (or the
equivalent). Additional credit is given for some laboratory learning or practice.
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