Page 199 - Microsoft Word - 2019-2020 Catalog September Update
P. 199
Progressive disciplinary procedures for absences and tardiness within a semester are as follow:
Third (3 ) absence or tardy Verbal Counseling
Fourth (4 ) absence or tardy Written Warning
Fifth (5 ) absence or tardy Probation
Sixth (6th) absence or tardy Suspension, at the Program Director’s discretion
Class assignments and exam(s) missed may be made up at the discretion of the Program
Director. It is the student’s responsibility to meet with the Program Director to obtain make-up
assignments and make arrangements to take the make-up exam. These arrangements must be
made at the next class meeting the student attends. A five percent (5%) penalty will be
assessed toward the final score of all make up assignments and exams at the discretion of
the Program Director. Therefore a 90% will be an 85%; a 77% will be a 72%; etc.
Missed clinical meetings must be made up. The student must make arrangements with his or
her respective clinical site for possible dates to make up sessions missed due to absence. These
sessions must be immediately communicated to the Program Director for final approval. It is
often necessary to schedule this time during the Fall Break, Christmas Break, or Spring Break. If
missed meetings are not made up before the end of the program, the student must do so after
commencement to complete program requirements. Such arrangements must also be scheduled
by the student and approved by the Program Director.
Distance Education
Baptist Health College Little Rock is an educational facility that serves many non-traditional
students. Distance education, internet based, and hybrid methods of delivery transcend the
requirements of face-to-face classes thus providing greater flexibility to allow student
participation in classes on their own time. It provides a viable option to the motivated,
independent learner.
Learning Management System (LMS)
A platform or software application for the administration and management of online distance
education courses, activities and resources.
Residential-Blended (Hybrid) Course
A course in which instruction is provided through a combination of on-ground/ face-to-face and
distance education.
Full Distance Education (Full DE) Course
A course in which 100% of instruction occurs through distance education.
Residential-Blended (Hybrid) and Full Distance Education Student Expectations
While hybrid and full DE courses provide increased flexibility and convenience to students, the
course work is not self-paced. The requirements in hybrid and full DE courses are completed
within a predetermined timeframe according to the respective course syllabi. Hybrid and full DE
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