Page 94 - Microsoft Word - 2019-2020 Catalog September Update
P. 94
8. Statistics of counting random events.
9. Mathematical operations including logarithms and exponential functions.
10 Principles of quality assurance in nuclear medicine.
Radiation Biology, Safety and Protection
1. Biologic effect of radiation exposure.
2. Administrative and technical means of reducing unnecessary radiation exposure
to patient, personnel, self, and environment.
3. Principles of absorbed dose calculation.
4. Government regulations regarding exposure and material handling, and ALARA
(as low as reasonably achievable).
5. Techniques of measuring levels of radioactive contamination and techniques of
6. Techniques of administered dose measurement with regard to minimizing
absorbed dose to critical and target organs.
1. Production of radionuclides by reactors and particle accelerators, the use of
radionuclide generators, the concept of specific activity, and the special chemical
characteristics of the carrier-free state.
2. Formulation of radiopharmaceuticals, including general techniques for preparing
agent used in the nuclear medicine laboratory, and performance of quality control
procedures, including tests for radiochemical purity, quantitative assay, sterility
and pyrogens.
3. Operation of electronic equipment appropriate for radioassay and quality control.
4. Biochemical and physiological properties of radiopharmaceuticals, including the
mechanism of localization, alterations in the normal distribution, and the
understanding of adverse reactions.
In-Vivo Procedures (Imaging and In-Vivo Laboratory Work)
1. Proper patient care before, during and after the procedures.
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