P. 48
Concerts of all varieties are where this camera- That adds to the intrigue -- lead vocals by the
carrying music-lover finds himself, in keeping with drummer.
the diverse intentions of ION Indie Magazine.
Admittedly, while my ear tends to seek our jazz, Like many indie pop groups, there’s an electronic
funk, and beyond, my lens often points me in the backdrop that intermingles with the live performers.
direction of indie pop and its off-shoots. It could be This gave Rigsby some freedom to act as front man,
because of the visual appeal of the light working the audience while standing by his glowing
productions, the high-energy of the young groups, kit and using the drums to add percussive
and the anthem-driven chants that energize the enhancements to the rhythmic textures. It was
audience --- or maybe I appreciate it as most often
effective and energetic -- he clearly gives his all to the
it is better than the pop music I grew up to. Still, music for fans that seem to adore him for more than
maybe I’m just a photographer hoping to catch the just the music itself.
“next big thing” before it’s big, and in that process,
obtain desirable images. Many in the audience were also eager to see the very
colorful Jesse Cale who accompanies on keys. It
Vesperteen is one of those groups that gets that seemed many had done advance planning to attempt
kind of buzz. As I arrived to the venue in Philadelphia to match his hair and makeup color scheme for the
this past summer, I wasn’t sure what I was getting night. This flamboyant style left one hoping for him to
into – there was a line of young teenage girls be showcased just as loudly musically. But rather, he
wrapped around the block. But for every 2 or 3 of seemed a bit understated on stage and less featured
them stood a dad that could relate to me on that than expected. During their set, Vesperteen covered
sentiment, save the fact that I was unaccompanied, Guns N’ Roses’ “Sweet Child O’ Mine”. Musically, I
other than my gear bag. appreciated the take on it. But Rigsby didn’t give
credit for the original, but instead, left it at “You
The man behind Vesperteen, Colin Rigsby, defines might’ve recognized that one. We made it cooler.”
their music as “electronic alt pop”. Rigsby is better Well, the “dads” in the room didn’t appreciate that,
known for drumming in the rock band House of this dad included.
Heroes, which has been around since 1998. Both
groups come from Columbus, OH, with Rigsby
beating the drums in both groups. But in
Vesperteen, he’s also the frontman.