P. 49
I let that go and continued to enjoy the energy of Most of the set didn’t come off as controversial as
the set. The band kept building momentum and the the band seems to want to be. But that doesn’t
audience followed them. As far as electronic alt pop mean that the leader Jessie Torrisi still doesn’t
goes, Vesperteen has some music that is unique and intensely unleash her lyrics. She did find the
goes places. Rigsby brings a lot of energy and chance to turn dads’ heads with her newer political
passion into his project. No doubt he will continue piece “F*** This.” The Please Please Me has a new
to lead his new group to many new places and EP “Fallin’ Thru,” released on October 13 on
bigger stages. iTunes.
Vesperteen’s debut EP came out in September. You DBMK was the most straightforward rock band of
can check it out on Bandcamp, iTunes, and on their the night, boosting the middle set with their heavy
website. They’ll be kicking off their “Together for groove. Apparently standing for “Denim Blue &
the Winter Tour” this December on the East Coast. Miclain Keith.” Although curiosity about their
name isn’t relieved when discovering that none of
Supporting the night were The Please Please Me the members’ names are included in that. Anyway,
and DBMK. Despite sharing the name of a song by back to the visuals and the music. Actually I could
The Beatles, The Please Please Me don’t seek to be only focus on the music -- as a photographer, I
a wholesome act like from generations past. The wasn’t digging their minimalist lighting scheme.
Austin group calls their style “Hot ‘n heavy bedroom They basically played in the dark, other than a
pop.” On this night, it seemed like their normal glowing column in the middle of the stage. That’s
lineup wasn’t present. Maybe it was due to this that not going to help get their image out there. But it
they didn’t showcase the “ambiguous sexuality” did give this guy a chance to give up on trying to
that they usually market as part of their show. Or capture photos and just listen. And that gave me a
maybe they were toning things down for the chance to take in their intensity and get into their
audience present. groove for their set.