Page 3 - February 2019 Club Car
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         - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - Membership  Report - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

           Love is in the air this month, and that  member Antoinette Serna, the family of  be  just  a  philanthropic  effort  on  your
        includes the love of history, of railroads,  Terry and Jeanne McGinnis, the family  part but in many ways a very rewarding
        and of the preservation of both. Obvi-  of Ramkumar Srinivasan, Linda Papin,  experience. But whether you are able
        ously, that is a big part of why we are  and Miassa and Liliya Zaire, the fam-  to find just the right place for yourself in
        here, but no, there is much more  for  ily of Kiwoba, Patrick, and Christophe  our operation or only able to contribute
        you here than just that.  Everyone of us  Allaire,  the  family  of  Kirsten  and  Jeff   financial support, you are playing a role
        needs meaningful activity in our lives,  Madden, the family of Michael and Car-  in the preservation of railroad history
        besides work, school, and/or parent-  ol O’Quin, and the family of Everett and  on a bit of America’s original transcon-
        ing. We also need to be involved with  Sandi Haslett.  We hope each one of  tinental route. That is something to be
        a group of like minded people, outside  them will find what they are looking for,  proud of, and that is a part of why we
        of our own families,  and  we need  in-  as well as fulfillment they may not have  love you.
        dividual  people  of similar values and  thought to ask for, here in PLA.
        inspiration  sharing  in  our  endeavors.         As  you  see  in  the  Club  Car  each  Thank you!
        Those things are expressions of love,  month,  there  are  all  sorts  of  different
        and those are all things that we get out  jobs being done here by a wide variety  Peter Midnight
        of our participation in our railroad mu-  of our people, in support of our muse-  Membership Secretary
        seum, here in Niles Canyon.          um  operations.  One  of  those  people
           This month, those same rewards be-  could  be  you.  You  have  already  put
        come  available  to  19  new  members.   your money where your heart is.  You
        They are Steve  Twomy, Patrick Mc-   know you can put your hands  there,
        Corry,  George  Schnurle,  new  family  too.  And you should know that will not

         - - - - - - - - Treasurer’s  Report - - - - - -  -

         December 2018 Treasurer’s Report          $100 for the engine house
                                               and $5,265 for the General Fund.
          In November, $5,365 in donations
         were received. Donations year to date   The quilt raffle raised $1,135.
          for our fiscal year are $26,263.98.      The quilt was made by the
                                                   Piecemakers Quilt Guild.

          TAX  DEDUCTIBLE:  The  Pacific                Donors were:
          Locomotive  Association  is  qual-            Robert Burnett
          ified  under      Internal      Revenue     Andrew Goodson
          Service code section 501 (c)(3)              Charles Jellison
          as  a  tax  exempt  organization.           Robert MacDowell
          Thus, donations to  the  PLA are               James Tyler                                  Photo by Dan Sarka
          tax  deductible  as CHARITABLE       We thank all of you for your generosi-  This  is  a  section  of  the  retaining  wall
          CONTRIBUTIONS  to  the  extent     ty in helping the Niles Canyon Railway   where the Hwy 84 Bridge crosses over
          allowed  by  law.  Our  mailing    ad-  and its many projects.          Alameda Creek. The wall is on the North
          dress  is  P.O.  Box  515, Sunol, CA                                    side  of  the  creek  and  consists  of  the
          94586-0515. The PLA’s Federal ID   Paul Veltman                         original  section  extending  to  the  West
          is: 94-6130878, CA ID is: 0501445.  Treasurer                           and a newer section constructed to the

                                       E-Coupling Information
                                                   Twitter:  @toots4ncry

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