Page 6 - February 2019 Club Car
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          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  President’s  Report  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

           The 2018 Train of Lights has finished for   doing. This will allow Trains readers to get   reached Sunol, we fought our way through
        another  season  and  it  was  fantastic.  My   familiar with our Operations before plan-  the train so he could get some sunset shots
        sincerest thanks to all the volunteers who   ning to visit us. Elrond is also a first-class   of the train while it was in Sunol for the lo-
        worked so tirelessly to make it the success   photographer, and he was documenting   comotive end switch.  Then it was back to
        it was.  Aside from the complaints early on   the many fabulous sites presented to him.  Niles, in the dark. I think he took well over
        about the event being sold out, there were         When  Elrond  arrived  at  Brightside  he   1000 photos just on the round trip!
        only a few minor issues with our patrons,   lucked  into  another  crane  job. The  newly      We rode the deadhead run back to Bright-
        all handled exceptionally by our volunteers.   painted saddle tank for the #3 was being   side, where he partook in the feast that is
        We all know, without our volunteers, none   reinstalled on the locomotive, completing   provided for the  crew,  and  the spirit  and
        of this would happen.                another  big  step  on  getting  her  re-fired.    camaraderie that was evident. We left the
           Now we need to move on to the excite-  Our steam department volunteers brought   train  as  it  went  to  Sunol.  Elrond  was  still
        ment that is building for our Celebration of   him up to speed on the #3, the #4, and the   going to do some chasing to take photos of
        the Sesquicentennial of the Completion of   plans for the Skookum when it arrives.  the train from the highway before returning
        the Transcontinental Railroad. I have been      We then visited the car shop, where he   to his home in Watsonville.
        working on developing these activities and   was  brought  up  to  speed  on  the  SP9010      I should see his submission around the
        we will be moving into the full blown plan-  restoration, and he was also able to watch   end of the month. We are hoping this will hit
        ning stage.  My activities have focused on   the restoration work on the Yosemite Val-  the newsstands and subscribers mailboxes
        building the buzz for our events with the   ley 330, which was taking advantage of the   in early April.  Also, Sam Richards, a local
        communities  where  we  serve. This  is  not   TOL lull to have the car in the Car Shop.   reporter  I  have  spoken  with  before  who
        just with the movers and shakers of local   Elrond was very pleased to see all the   now also writes for Trains NEWSWire, was
        communities like Sunol and Niles, but ex-  new paint jobs. The WP713, GP7, SP1195   asked to do an article about the restoration
        tended communities like Pleasanton and   SW900, the M200 Railbus, and of course   of the SP9010.  You should be able to find
        Oakland, Alameda County and Sacramen-  the recently completed Arizona and East-  both of the NEWSWire articles on line.
        to, but also with the larger Railfan commu-  ern 435 Combine.  Elrond bemoaned the      I expect our press coverage to increase
        nity.                                fact that he missed the morning light which   exponentially  as  word  of  our  efforts  gets
           As a direct result of our Press Release   would have really highlighted the new paint   out. I am also expecting great local support
        and schedule distributed late last year,   on the locomotives.            and  really  exceptional turnouts  for  these
        Trains Magazine’s online news feature      Over lunch we discussed some of the   events, the Specials as well as the regular
        NEWSWire    announced  the  schedule  of   issues we are constantly dealing with, and   Sunday runs.
        events, including breaking the news that   some things were discussed off-the-record      We will need a lot of volunteers to pull
        the Skookum would be running in Niles   but would help him see WHY we do what   this off within the time frame. Even if you
        Canyon  during  2019.    Thousands  of  rail-  we do.  After lunch we drove down to the   have few railroad skills, we will need liter-
        fans now know what we were up to. Shortly   big curve on the highway, and I pointed out   ally a hundred docents to help our visitors.
        thereafter I was contacted by Elrond Law-  the location where the famous 1866 pho-  Some visitors will  just need someone to
        rence, who is a contributor for Trains Maga-  to of the WP commissioner’s train was lo-  point them to the bathrooms and tell them
        zine. He was instructed to contact us about   cated. He wanted to see the famous wall   where to go for their tickets and to board
        writing an article for an upcoming issue of   there, but sadly it was terribly overgrown.    the trains. This is the kind of job that is crit-
        Trains Magazine. We set up a time, and I   (Since then, our arboreros have gone out   ically important, and you can be brought up
        spent the entire day with him on Saturday   and done some tree trimming and brush   to speed in a matter of minutes. It is a great
        December  28th.    Elrond  lives  in  Watson-  whacking in the area. They will continue to   way to log volunteer hours, which are valu-
        ville, so he has visited us before, to see   work until a significant portion of the wall   able to earn TOL tickets.
        what we are doing and to ride our trains (he   will  be visible, hopefully showing a few           In  order  to  have  enough  experienced
        was here for the Big Lift when we changed   of  the  buttresses  that  make  it  so  unique.   volunteers I need YOU to come out and get
        the trucks under the Krauss-Maffei SP9010   Hopefully we can recreate a modern ver-  the experience you will need. Remember,
        locomotive),  and he also rode our last reg-  sion of that first train in the canyon photo.)  none of our volunteers had experience un-
        ular Sunday train back in October. He is fa-        We  then  climbed  aboard  the TOL  and   til they came out and actually did the job.
        miliar with us, and our equipment. This trip   walked  it  from  end  to  end.  Elrond  spoke   These jobs are all ‘learn by doing’ jobs. We
        was to really dig into what we are doing and   with many of the volunteers preparing the   have volunteers who will  help you learn
        get the whole story.                 train and was really pleased to see the en-  what is required and share their methods
           This will be a major article in Trains (8   thusiasm they all brought to their work. We   and processes which have been honed
        pages) and it will be the first time an article   tried to stay out of the way as much as we   over countless hours.
        focusing on PLA and the NCRy will be pub-  could,  but  he  did  get  a  first-hand  look  at      As always, if you would like to discuss
        lished there. While we get mentioned from   how much effort was required to pull this   any topic in further detail, please contact
        time to time in the Railroad Press, we have   off.                        me by phone at 925.447.7358 or by email
        never been focused on like this. The arti-     We rode the train down to Niles and he   at
        cle will not just focus on the Train of Lights   was  photographing  all  the  way.  He  docu-
        or our upcoming 150th events but will be   mented our passengers boarding process,   Respectfully submitted
        more about who WE are and WHAT we are   and the whole trip up to Sunol. When we   Henry Baum
         Page  6      Pacific Locomotive Association      February  2019
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