Page 10 - Issue 9
P. 10

And when the pandemic Gates long   need  all  of  this  to  happen  as  quickly   to have fewer kids, because they are less
          warned about arrived, he got to work   as possible,” Gates argued on April   worried their children will die.
          on philanthropic initiatives to fight   30th, explaining his relentless focus on   Besides, there have been claims about
          it. He recently pledged another $50   getting a vaccine on an unprecedented   promoting  a “digital  certificates” and
          million for that fight, making $300   timescale.                     implantable  devices   programme,
          million in total commitments. Much of   Gates,  who  has  long  predicted  the  US   something that Gates says, has no
          his recent commitments have been for   will be unprepared for a devastating   plans to develop any technology that
          distributing treatments and vaccines in   pandemic, has been extremely active   would diagnose and track people with
          the developing world, countries whose   since the coronavirus emerged. He has   COVID-19.
          health systems are challenged and are   espoused the importance of developing a
          threatened with total collapse.                                      This  conspiracy  theory  seems  to  stem
                                            safe and effective vaccine, and supported   from a Reddit AMA—An AMA is a
          While big donations to this emergency   the creation of a government-funded   scheduled question and answer session
          is not exclusive to Gates — many   manufacturing  infrastructure.  But  that takes place at a certain time on the
          companies and rich individuals have   purveyors of disinformation are telling   social news site Reddit. AMA stands for
          pledged eye-popping sums to the global   a different story, using several disparate   “Ask Me Anything,”— where Gates had
          fight against the coronavirus—even at   false narratives about Gates.  noted that at some point there would
          local level in developing countries. But    All of the conspiracy theories seem to   be digital certificates that would be able
          Gates deserves special attention. He has   sow doubt about an eventual vaccine,   to track who has been sick, who has
          more money than all but one—Joseph   which is not surprising, given how   been tested, and who should receive a
          Bezos  of  Amazon  is  now  the  richest   active anti-vaccine groups have lately   vaccine. But Gates’s words were twisted
          man in the world—,more experience   been spreading misinformation about   to make it look as though he had plans
          working in public health and infectious   false coronavirus cures.   to commercialize an invasive form of
          disease response, stellar approval                                   mass population tracking.
          ratings globally, and — thanks    Moreover, claims that Gates wants to
          to his early warnings about a                                                   Population tracking, even
          pandemic — a resource that                                                      for the purpose of disease
          may be just as important as                                                     control, is a somewhat
          money: credibility.                                                             controversial  topic  and
                                                                                          one that many people
          In a February letter published                                                  are paying attention to.
          in the New England Journal                                                      Doctors already track
          of, he urged the government to                                                  individual human health
          start a strong policy response                                                  through electronic  health
          at home, and to contribute to                                                   records,  and   human
          preparedness in lower-middle-                                                   resource departments may
          income countries, which is                                                      start tracking employee
          where Gates has dedicated much                                                  health as people return to
          of the $100 million he pledged   Lab Research on coronavirus                    work.
          in February to the coronavirus
          fight. He called for accelerated work on   use  vaccination  to “depopulate”  the   There are still more conspiracies
          treatment and vaccines. He also laid out   world, is a myth that has been around   surrounding  Gates,  including  one  that
          a plan for how to make sure a situation   for  at  least  10  years.  Gates  is  quoted   suggests he started the coronavirus or
          like this doesn’t happen again. On April   saying: “slowing population growth is a   that he knew it was coming.  This is
          15, Gates committed an additional $150   key component of helping to lift people   based o the fact of this 2015 prediction
          million to testing, treatment, and aiding   out of poverty”—one of the goals of his   of a pandemic.
          poor countries in their coronavirus   philanthropic efforts.         Gates  has  long been  the  subject  of
          response.                                                            conspiracy theories—like this one from
                                             In addition to supporting new healthcare
          “Realistically, if we’re going to return   initiatives and birth control accessibility,   1996, which says that Microsoft is the
          to normal, we need to develop a safe,   Gates touts mass vaccination as a way   invention of the Illuminati, or another
          effective vaccine. We need to make   of lowering child mortality rates. He   one that suggests Gates is investing in
          billions of doses, we need to get them   believes that as child mortality rates   antivirals as means of colonizing Africa.
          out to every part of the world, and we                               Conservative conspiracy theorists like
                                            lower and stabilize, parents will choose

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