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Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024 5
Anything connected to the in place. Governments now have
internet is exposed to cyber risks. to deal with cyber threats not just
With this in mind, Malaysia needs to aimed at personal and financial
develop a cyber security strategy gains, but also threats from state-
that is pragmatic and aims for a sponsored actors aimed at critical
cyberspace that is secured, trusted targets of national importance. It is
and resilient while at the same worth noting that state-sponsored
time fostering economic prosperity attacks are not only sophisticated
and the well-being of its citizens. and potent, but once deployed,
We believe that our vision can these advanced technologies
be achieved by fortifying local can fall into the hands of cyber-
capabilities to predict, detect, criminals who can then amplify
deter and respond to cyber threats the use of these powerful cyber-
by strengthening our cyber security weapons at global scale.
governance, nurturing competent
people, supporting best practice The targets of malicious
processes and deploying effective cyber activity are often the
technologies. very foundation of a nation.
Consequently Malaysia recognises
Information sharing platforms, cyber security as a national
channels and avenues for priority. This has led to the
government agencies, businesses formulation of the National Cyber
and the general public on cyber Security Policy (NCSP) in 2006. The
security and cyber threats need NCSP was specifically developed
to be enhanced. Our situational to address the risks to the Critical
awareness, coordination, and National Information Infrastructure
threat mitigation capabilities (CNII), which are made up of 10
likewise must be improved. sectors namely: National Defence
and Security; Banking and Finance;
We are indeed fast becoming a Information and Communications;
digitalised nation. In 2018 there Energy; Transportation; Water;
are 28.7 million Internet users in Health Services; Government;
Malaysia which represent 87.4% of Emergency Services; and Food
the population. Such astounding and Agriculture. The NCSP
figures illustrates our growing recognises the critical and highly
dependency and connectedness interdependent nature of the CNII
to cyberspace. On the other side, and aims to develop and establish
cyber-attacks have progressed just a comprehensive programme and
as fast as, or even faster than the a series of frameworks that will
security measures that were put ensure the effectiveness of cyber