Page 85 - 20v•Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024
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Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024 85
In the face of constantly changing operating in the event of a cyber
cyber threats, Malaysia needs to incident.
be prepared, more than ever,
to protect its national security NACSA will play its part in providing
and sovereignty. Although the cyber security guidance and
global community agrees on the coordination while keeping pace
importance of cyber threats, there with existing and emerging cyber
are still continuing discussions at threats and the development
the regional and international of new technologies. All the
levels as to how to effectively necessary steps will be taken to
combat them. There will always ensure ease of access and sharing
be questions on how far a nation of threat information among
can or should go in responding to government entities, businesses
what it perceives as a threat to its and the general public. NACSA
national security and sovereignty, will also provide advice on the
and the complexities surrounding risks and the actions necessary to
such a situation when the cyber mitigate them.
incidents are cross-border in
nature. However, the effort to develop
such competencies has to
The Malaysian government will be supported by a structured
strive to meet its responsibilities governance that provides the
and lead the national response; means, funding and facility
however, businesses, organisations required to cultivate a competent
and individual citizens also workforce, maintain the
have to play their roles and appropriate standards, policies
take reasonable cyber hygiene and best practices, and implement
measures to protect themselves the most effective approach and
and ensure that they are cyber solutions to address cyber security
resilient and able to continue issues.