Page 86 - 20v•Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024
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86 Malaysia Cyber Security Strategy 2020-2024
The main duty of the government To support the national interest,
is and will always be to defend the Malaysia needs a class of
nation, its economy and prosperity competency, capability and
as well as its citizens from threat awareness that can truly safeguard
and harm by internal and external the national cyberspace, its
factors, be it from cyberspace or critical sectors, businesses and
otherwise. It is therefore pertinent most importantly the well-being of
for Malaysia to set the rules, its citizens, not only from external
standards and expectations over threats but also those from within.
all elements and entities under It is also important to highlight that
its control and responsibility in while we will always uphold the
order to ensure a safe and secure right to a free cyberspace, we also
cyberspace; and to collaborate acknowledge that constraints and
with trusted parties from the controls are still needed at some
international community that share levels of access and provision to
the same objective and aspiration. ensure that our intrinsic values as a
multi-racial nation and society are
For all these to be realised, there protected and kept intact.
has to be a sense of inclusiveness,
first and foremost, among all the In the long run, this can significantly
stakeholders at the national level. assist in ensuring uniformity in the
Securing the national cyberspace adoption and implementation
will indeed require a collective of standards, policies and
effort. All roles and functions within guidelines among all cyber security
the cyber security ecosystem stakeholders in Malaysia. Again,
that are outlined by the strategies we should remind ourselves that
are eventually connected any strategy or planning will only
and interdependent with one be as good as the people behind
another, which clearly show that it. Therefore, for the next five years,
cooperation will always be a key everybody must pull together or
aspect in ensuring success, security face the risk of getting left behind
and peace. in the digital era.