Page 17 - CL Case Structure
P. 17
Short Cases
The focus case in this chapter/book is a short case study
On the football club ‘Borussia Dortmund: Bomb Plot’ whose
team bus was bombed on its way to a match.
It emerged that the culprit had carried out the bombing to
make a financial killing! This piqued interest and provided
an noteworthy scenario to study which lent itself to
development into a short case study.
Short cases range from half a page (a few paragraphs) to
one + pages which are becoming more prevalent. This may
be because of the increasing use of the case method on
undergraduate courses. Or because of the need to explore
specific pieces of theory rather than a range of inter-
connected theories embedded in a single case study.
The Borussia Dortmund case study is effectively –
depending on the font size - four pages long.
• Case studies vary both in length and detail,
and can be used in a number of ways,
depending on the case itself and on the
instructor’s goals.