Page 50 - How not to cheat
P. 50
world. Chase started his chips business in UK where disposable
income is much higher than Asian countries like China and India.
Had he started the business in some Asian country, his business
idea would not have been successful.
§ Foreign exchange rates: Chase wanted to sell his chips in UK
only initially. He was of the opinion that foreign exchange rates
would put Tyrrells in favourable conditions as compared to foreign
companies especially those from the US areas.
§ Foreign economic trends: The world is increasingly becoming
more open to foreign investors and companies. This is an
opportunity for Tyrrells to expand into other countries and also a
threat in it’s home country from foreign companies entering into
UK market.
§ Local economic situation and trends: Tyrrells Chips was one of
the first (if not the first) companies to have it’s own potato farm
and chips manufacturing unit. This enabled Chase to plan better
and manage the entire production and distribution supply chain
efficiently. He had full control right from the production of
potatoes to the shipping of finished chips to retailers.
3. Social factors:
§ Advertising scenarios: Chase’s focus was on advertising locally
due to production capacity limits and also due to the short shelf
life of 3 weeks for the packed chips. His idea about advertising by
means of unique transparent packaging was very apt and path
breaking in the chips industry.
§ Consumer buying patterns: Target consumer needs to be
educated about the difference between the chips and the crisps.
They made to be realised that they are having something which is
purely natural in all aspects and no chemical or pesticides have
been used in the production of the raw materials (potatoes). This
was necessary to sell the chips at a premium price as compared to
other chips in the market.
§ Buying access: Tesco was the largest supermarket chain in the
country with huge footfall of customers. Chase, due to his
philosophy of selling only through 6000 independent retailers and