Page 276 - E-Magazine 2016-17
P. 276


               My vision of World Peace                       I want to see every tender palm adorn
               Is quite unique and different.                 pencils.

               It’s not the Peace about which the leaders     Not scars of an eternal servitude.

               preach .

               It stems from my mind’s  firmament.            I want to see the pristine fires .
                                                              The Fire of Humanity lit.

               I want children waking up to the sounds        It should shimmer like a polished sap-

               of their daddy’s car.                          phire,

               Not to the resounding gun shots.               Its purpose should be rightly served.

                                                              I want Terror and Hate Crimes

                                                              to face a brutal extinction.

                                                              Their followers can make a zillion tries .
                                                              But their intentions should never flourish.
               I don’t want their History textbooks to
               hold evidences of war.

               I want to see freedom and hope in their

               golden thoughts.

               I want a man to return home to a happy

               harbouring hopes of a lovely reunion.

               I don’t want them to lead a life riddled       I want to tell the Martyrs’ family :
               with uncertainty.                              Your sacrifices shall not go in vain.

               I want to see their hopes rescued from the     I want to tell their relatives :

               oblivion.                                      Let go of the excruciating pain.

                                                              I want a planet free of creed and caste.

               I want to see a World where ;                  A planet defunct of injustice .
               Every person is respected.                     A planet where men and women are on

               Where Love and Inclusion are the only          the same slate,

               morals we share,                               A planet freed from the waves of igno-
               Where Trust can never be molested.             rance.

               I want to see a shunned arquebuse.
                                                              SHIVANI PILLAI XI-C
               Not torn and tattered books.
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