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the number of His other attributes in    "I will speak in the bitterness of my
that it is mentioned 315 times!          soul.…Show me why You contend
                                         with me. Does it seem good to You
"Allah does not wrong people in any      that You should oppress." (Job10/1-
way; rather it is people who wrong       3)
themselves." (10/44)
                                         "How long, O Lord? Will You forget
"My Lord neither errs nor forgets."      me forever?" (Psalms 13/1)
                                         "O Lord, how long shall I cry, and You
"Indeed, my Lord is the Hearer of        will not hear?" (Habakkuk 1/2)
supplication." (14/39)
                                         "Open Your eyes, O Lord, and see." (2
"Allah sees what you do." (49/18)        Kings 19/16)

"That is Allah's promise. Allah will     The Lord is alleged to have said,
never break His promise, but most of     "…And break My covenant with
the people do not know." (30/6)          them." (Leviticus 26/44)

Allah is all-Knowing; therefore, when    According to Genesis 3/9, God was
Adam and his wife ate from the tree,     ignorant of Adam's whereabouts and
He addressed them in a way that          of his eating from the tree: "Then the
clearly indicated His knowledge of       Lord God called to Adam and said to
what they had done: "Their Lord          him, 'Where are you?'"
called out to them, 'Did I not forbid
you this tree and say to you that        The Lord needs a mark to distinguish
Satan is your open enemy'?" (7/22)       the houses of the Israelites from the
                                         houses of the Egyptians. (Exodus
"[He is the Knower of the Unseen,        12/13) Nor does He know what
Whom not even the weight of the          happens on the earth unless He
smallest particle eludes, either in the  descends to find out:"And the Lord
heavens or in the earth; nor is there    said, 'Because the outcry against
anything smaller or larger than that
which is not in a Clear Book." (34/3)
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