P. 116

The Bible                                  The Qur'an
Jesus is accused of misbehavior
towards his mother:"Jesus said to her,     The Qur'an defends Jesus against
'Woman, what does your concern have        these false accusations. Jesus
to do with Me?'" (John 2/4) and of         said: "…And [made me] dutiful to my
being tyrannical and cruel: "Do not        mother, and He has not made me a
think that…I came to bring peace on        wretched tyrant."" (19/32)
earth. I did not come to bring peace but
a sword." (Matthew 10/34)                  The Messiah is much concerned with
                                           Zakat (alms: A due amount of money
He is accused of choosing to anoint his    which must bepaid by the rich to the
feet with the expensive perfume rather     poor) and helping the poor throughout
than offering it in charity for the poor.  his life: "And He has made me blessed
(John12/3)                                 wherever I am and has enjoined upon
                                           me prayer and zakaat as long as I
He is accused of having been tried and     remain alive"(19/31)
tricked by Satan (Luke 4/2)
                                           Satan has no power whatsoever over
The first miracle performed by Jesus in    the Messiah and his mother as they
the Bible is his turning water to wine at  were both protected by Allah in
a wedding in Cana of Galilee. (John        response to the supplication of his
2/7-11)                                    grandmother, the wife of
                                           'Imraan: "And I have named her Mary,
                                           and I seek refuge for her in You and
                                           [for] her descendants from Satan, the
                                           expelled [from the mercy of
                                           Allah]." (3/36)

                                           The first miracle of Prophet Jesus was
                                           speaking immediately after his birth,
                                           defending his mother against the false
                                           accusations leveled at her by her
                                           people. (19/30-33)
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