P. 120

The Bible                                    The Qur'an

Noah is drunk and naked in his tent          "Indeed, Allah has chosen Adam and
(Genesis 9/21), and Abraham sacrifices his   Noah and the family of Abraham and
honor. (Genesis 12/10-19 and Genesis         the family of 'Imraan over the
20/2)                                        worlds." (3/33)

Lot gets drunk and commits incest with his   "And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and
own two daughters, impregnating them.        Lot – and all [of them] We preferred
(Genesis19/30-36)                            over the worlds." (6/86)

Jacob lies to his father and steals the      "And remember Our servants,
blessing and prophethood from his brother.   Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – those of
(Genesis27/35)                               strength and [religious] vision. Indeed,
                                             We chose them for an exclusive quality:
Reuben, the prophet and oldest son of        remembrance of the home [of the
Jacob, commits adultery with his father's    Hereafter]. And indeed they are, to Us,
wife who is the mother of his two brothers.  among the chosen and
(Genesis 35/22 and Genesis 49/3-4)           outstanding." (38/45-47)
Judah, the fourth son of Jacob commits
incest with his daughter-in-law and has      "Those were the ones upon whom Allah
Perez and Zerah from her. (Genesis 38/15-    bestowed favor from among the
18)                                          prophets of the descendants of Adam
                                             and of those We carried [in the Ark]
The Lord accuses Moses and Aaron of          with Noah, and of the descendants of
betrayal in the Old Testament: "Because      Abraham and Israel, and of those
you trespassed against Me among the          whom We guided and chose. When the
children of Israel."                         verses of the Most Merciful were
                                             recited to them, they fell in prostration
                                             and weeping." (19/58)

                                             "Peace upon Moses and Aaron.Indeed,
                                             We thus reward the doers of
                                             good.Indeed, they were of Our
                                             believing servants." (37/120-122)
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