P. 125
to take the children's bread and throw it According to the Qur'an, both Adam and
to the little dogs." (Matthew 15/22-26) his wife sinned, repented and shared
responsibility for their actions: "But Satan
The Bible discriminates between men and caused them to slip out of it and
And Adam was not deceived, " :women removed them from that [condition]
but the woman being deceived, fell into in which they had been." (2/36)
According )11/Timothy21( ".transgression "They said, 'Our Lord, we have
to the Bible, the impurity resulting from the wronged ourselves, and if You do not
delivery of a female is twice that of the male. forgive us and have mercy upon us,
If a woman " ,we read ,5-2/In Leviticus 12 we will surely be among the
has conceived, and borne a man child, losers.'" (7/23)
then she shall be unclean seven days... "And Adam disobeyed his Lord and
She shall then continue in the blood of erred.Then his Lord chose him and
her purification thirty-three days… But turned to him in forgiveness and
if she bears a female child, then she guided [him]." (20/121-122)
in her shall be unclean two weeks, as "And due to the wives is similar to
customary impurity, and she shall what is expected of them, according
continue in the blood of her purification to what is reasonable." (2/228) To
learn more about the status of women in
".sixty-six days Islam, the reader may refer to Chapters 4
The Bible also states that just as God is the and 65 of the Qur'an.
head of Christ, the man is the head of the
woman. She is not the glory of God like a man
is, and she was created for man. (1
Corinthians 11/3-9)