P. 126
The Bible The Qur'an
The Bible contradicts contemporary The Qur'an does not contradict or clash with
scientific facts as it claims that the world modern science. In fact, it contains scientific
dates back to 3700 BC, i.e., that from the facts that were only discovered in modern
beginning of the creation until the times and with the use of highly
21st century, there is only 6000 years. It also sophisticated equipment.See, for instance,
states that there were only a few days the following: 2:74, 2:173, 2:222, 4:56,
between the creation of the earth and the 6:99, 6:125, 10:92, 12:47, 13:41, 15:14-22,
creation of man. According to geology, 16:66, 17:12, 21:30-32, 22:5, 23:12-14,
however, the earth is about 4550 million 24:40, 24:43, 27:88, 30:1-4, 36:37-40, 39:5-
years old, and there was a very long period 6, 41:11, 51: 47, 52:6, 55:19-20, 55:37,
of time between the creation of the earth 57:25, 78:6-7, 86:1-3 and 96:16. It is worth
and that of man. The Bible says that God noting here that the Qur'an is, first and
created light, day and night (Genesis1/3-5) foremost a book of guidance, which serves
before the creation of the planets, the sun to guide mankind to happiness in this life and
and the moon. (Genesis 1/14-18) eternal bliss in the hereafter.
In Revelation 7/1, we read, "I saw four The Qur'an refers in very clear terms to the
angels standing at the four corners of ball-shaped earth as manifested by the
the earth, holding the four winds of overlapping of the day and night: "He
the earth," meaning that the earth is wraps the night over the day and wraps
square, while Matthew 4/8 indicates that the day over the night." (39/5)
the earth is flat: "Again, the devil took "And after that He spread the
Him up on an exceedingly high earth." (79/30)
mountain, and showed Him all the
kingdoms of the world and their Earth is not fixed, butmoving: "And you see
glory." the mountains, thinking them rigid,
while they will pass as the passing of
Earth is fixed, and in is not moving: "You clouds. [It is] the work of Allah, who
who laid the foundations of the earth, perfected all things. Indeed, He is
So that it should not be moved
forever." (Psalm 104/5)