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punished him with dumbness for nine           sign that the miracle would come true and
months: "But behold, you will be mute         that it was not a punishment: "[Zechariah]
and not able to speak until the day           said, 'My Lord, make for me a sign.' He
these things take place, because you          said, 'Your sign is that you will not
did not believe my words which will be        speak to the people for three nights,
fulfilled in their own time." (Luke 1/20)     [being] sound.'"

Jesus allegedly describes all the prophets    The Qur'an confers great respect on all
before him as thieves: "The thief does        prophets of God and does not ascribe any
not come except to steal and to               obscene acts or wrongdoing to them. In fact,
kill." (John 10/8) In Jeremiah 23/11-16,      believing in all the prophets as well as
God allegedly attributes wickedness and lies  respecting them is a main requirement in
to His prophets: "'For both prophet and       Islam. The Qur'an (2/136) says, "Say, [O
priest are profane; yes, in My house I        believers], 'We have believed
have found their wickedness,' says the        in Allah and what has been revealed to
Lord.'Therefore their way shall be to         us and what has been revealed to
them like slippery ways; in the               Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and
darkness they shall be driven on and          Jacob and the Descendants and what
fall in them; for I will bring disaster on    was given to Moses and Jesus and what
them, the year of their punishment,'          was given to the prophets from their
says the Lord. 'And I have seen folly in      Lord. We make no distinction between
the prophets of Samaria; they                 any of them, and we are Muslims [in
prophesied by Baal and caused My              submission] to Him.'" Allah praises His
people Israel to err. Also I have seen a      prophets: "We have already sent Our
horrible thing in the prophets of             messengers with clear proofs and sent
Jerusalem: they commit adultery and           down with them the Scripture and the
walk in lies; they also strengthen the        balance that the people may maintain
hands of evildoers, so that no one            [their affairs] in justice." (57/25) He also
turns back from his wickedness. All of        says, "And We made them leaders
them are like Sodom to Me, and her            guiding by Our command. And We
inhabitants like Gomorrah.' Therefore         inspired to them the doing of good
thus says the Lord of hosts concerning        deeds, establishment of prayer, and
the prophets, 'Behold, I will feed them       giving of zakaat; and they were
with wormwood, and make them drink            worshippers of Us." (21/73)
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