P. 133
The Bible The Qur'an
"For we know in part and we prophesy "This day I have perfected for you
in part. But when that which is perfect your religion and completed My favor
has come, then that which is in part will upon you and have approved for you
be done away." (1Corinthians13/9-10) Islam as religion." (5/3)
“I learned to love Jesus more than my own parents.” “That is Jesus, the son of Mary the word of truth
about which they are in dispute” (Quran 19:34) Jesus has been mentioned by name 25 times in the
Quran while Prophet Muhammad has been mentioned by name just five times. Additionally, the
nineteenth chapter of the Quran was named after the Virgin “Mary” while there is no chapter in the
Quran bearing the name of Prophet Muhammad’s mother, and any of his wives or daughters. It is
also noteworthy that Mary is the only woman mentioned by name in the Quran. She is described in
the most honorable way as one chosen and favored over all women.
Now if you looking for truth, you should be said before this moment
(There is no God except Allah, Muhammad is the prophet Messenger of
Allah) if you don’t repeat this words always (My Great God, guide me
to right way) Then read a book again.
All content of this E-book is copy of original book with permission of
exclusive publisher
My Great Love For Jesus Led Me To Islam