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rejected this and did not believe it, stating that such a discovery would be reached only through
sophisticated, modern and accurate computers. Another person accompanying him surprised him
more when he told him that the Muslims' Holy Book, the Qur'an, in which they believe narrates the
story that says he drowned and that his body remained intact even after he drowned. He became
more surprised and kept on asking, "Where did the Muslims' Qur'an quote this data from while the
mummy was not discovered until 1898, i.e. about 200 years only, given that the Qur'an has been
recited by Muslims for over 1,400 years, and given also that until a few decades ago the entire mankind
including Muslims did not know that the ancient Egyptians had mummified their pharaohs?
Maurice Bucaille spent the entire night gazing at Pharaoh's body, thinking deeply of what his fellow
researcher told him about the Muslims' Qur'an explicitly establishing that this body was recovered
after drowning, while the Christians' Gospel (Matthew and Luca) narrated only the story of Pharaoh
when he was chasing Moses without mentioning the fate of his body at all. "Is it believable that
Muhammad knew about this over 1,000 years ago while I have only just known it?" he thought.
Maurice spent a sleepless night and asked for a version of the Torah. But it only furthered his
astonishment; since even the Torah did not narrate that the body was recovered and remained intact
due to the processing and restoration, which it had undergone. Later on, while attending a medical
conference in Saudi Arabia, he revealed his discovery. At that point, one of the conferees opened the
Qur'an and read out verse 10/92. In his excitement, Bucaille stood and loudly abounded his conversion
to Islam. [50]
The Qur'an (16/69) also makes mention of the beneficial and healing properties of honey: "…From
inside them comes a drink of varying colors, containing healing for mankind. There is
certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect." Nowadays, apiculture and bee products have
opened a new branch of research in scientifically advanced parts of the world. Science today has
proven the numerous benefits of honey: a) Because sugar molecules in honey can convert into other
sugars (e.g. fructose to glucose), it is easily digested by the most sensitive stomachs despite its high
acid content. It helps kidneys and intestines to function better; b) It rapidly diffuses through the blood
and is a quick energy source c) It helps cleanse blood and supports blood formation by providing an
important part of the energy needed by the body for blood formation; d) It does not accommodate
bacteria and prevents bacteria growth due to the existence of hydrogen peroxide and antioxidants in
it; e) It is antioxidant: Everyone who wants to live a healthier life should consume
antioxidants;[51] f) It is a vitamin and mineral depot, containing, among other things, sugars like
glucose and fructose and minerals like magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron;[52] g) It is used in
healing all types of wounds and rapidly clears any existing infection from wounds. Unlike antiseptics