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and antibiotics, there is no impairment of the healing process through adverse effects on wound
God commands us to do only those things which are beneficial and prohibits us to do only those things
which are harmful. A Muslim shows obedience to God whether or not he is aware of the benefits or
harm because He knows that God is All-Wise and Most Merciful. In one verse, God commands mothers
to "nurse their children for two years for those parents who desire to complete the period
of nursing…" (2/233) Modern science has now discovered the numerous beneficial properties of
breastfeeding. It has been proven that breastfeeding benefits toddlers and young children, both
nutritionally and psychologically. Breast milk remains a valuable source of protein, fat, calcium, and
vitamins well beyond two years of age.[54] Immunities in breast milk become more concentrated as
nurslings mature; at the same time, the likelihood of allergies decreases.[55] Mothers who nurse past
infancy derive benefits as well, including a decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancer the longer she
continues nursing.[56] Breastfeeding is a warm and loving way to meet the needs of toddlers and
young children. It not only perks them up and energizes them; it also soothes the frustrations, bumps
and bruises, and daily stresses of early childhood. In addition, nursing past infancy helps little ones
make a gradual transition to childhood. In fact, prolonged nursing is associated with better social
adjustment.[57] Breastfeeding past infancy is as old as humanity. Still common in Western cultures
as recently as a hundred years ago, the practice then underwent a sharp decline. Now, extended
breastfeeding is becoming more popular, and medical professionals are beginning to recognize how
valuable it is. While the American Academy of Pediatrics acknowledges the value of breastfeeding for
the entire first year of life,[58] the US Surgeon General has stated that it is a lucky baby who continues
to nurse until age two.[59]
The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the importance of nursing up to two years of age
or beyond.[60] Besides, the number of mothers currently nursing past infancy has created a
nationwide market for a book on the subject, which includes an entire chapter on nursing past age
four.[61] Some people are upset, if not shocked, to learn that children can nurse for so long. Curiously,
these same people are hardly surprised to see kindergartners sucking their thumbs or fingers. The
truth is that the need to suck, like many other dependency needs, does not disappear overnight, and
often lasts longer than we as a society are willing to accept. Indeed, the average age of weaning
around the world is 4.2 years.[62]
Meeting a child's dependency needs is the key to helping that child achieve independence. And children
outgrow these needs according to their own unique timetable. Some youngsters who continue to
nurse well into childhood are for many years nearly weaned. Actual weaning, says La Leche League,