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all mankind to worship Him alone, is the same God mentioned in the Old Testament, whom the Jews
erroneously call Jehovah (‫ )י ְה ֹוָה‬even though Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did not know Him by this
name, as in Exodus 3/6. He is also the same God mentioned in the New Testament, whom the
Christians mistakenly call the Father. He is indeed the One, True God whose Lordship, Divinity and
His beautiful names and glorious attributes have been confirmed by the holy books which are sanctified
by more than 4 billion people (namely, the Qur'an, the Old Testament and the New Testament), even
though these books, with the exception of the Qur'an, mention things which do not befit Him. The
corresponding Aramaic form is Elah (‫)אלה‬, but its emphatic state is Elaha (‫)אלהא‬. It is written as
‫( ܐܠܗܐ‬ʼĔlāhā) in Biblical Aramaic and ‫( ܲܐ ܵܠ ܵܗܐ‬ʼAlâhâ) in Syriac as used by the Assyrian Church, both
meaning simply "the True God". Biblical Hebrew mostly uses the plural (but functional singular) form
Elohim (‫)אלהים‬, but more rarely it also uses the singular form Eloah (‫)אלוּה‬. (see,NIV Compact
Dictionary of the Bible, Douglas, p. 42) According to Aramaic Lexicon, we find that Word Number 904
is pronounced AaLah, which refers to the name of the One, True God. This is confirmed in the
manuscript of the Aramaic Peshitta Translation of the Holy Bible, which dates back to 400 CE. It is
also confirmed in the Biblical Texts of the Dead Sea Scrolls in Qumran, as well as in the Gospel of
Judas.Renowned Hebrew theologian Adam Clarke stresses that the Arabic word "Allah" is the very
word from which the Hebrew word for God (‫אלה‬, Elohim) is derived. This name is still being used by
Muslims as well as Arab Christians and Jews and pronounced by them in the same manner, as in
Daniel 3/26, 4/2, 4/17, 6/20, 6/25, 5/18, 5/21 and 7/25. However, this name is not retained as it is
in its original form. Even though names must not be translated, this particular name has been
translated as The Most High God. To illustrate, we read in Daniel 6/20, " ‫וכמקרבה לגבא לדניאל בקל‬
‫עציב זעק ענה מלכא ואמר לדניאל דניאל עבד אלהא חיא אלהך די אנתה פלח־לה בתדירא היכל‬
‫"לׁשיזבותך מן־אריותא‬. (And when he came to the den, he cried with a grieved voice unto Daniel: and
the king spoke and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, is your God, whom you serve
continually, able to deliver you from the lions?) Strong's Hebrew Dictionary Number H427 matches
the Hebrew ('allah), which occurs 1 times in 1 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the KJV. American
theologian, minister and writer Cyrus Ingerson Scofield (1843 –1921) confirms this fact in Scofield
Bible Reference, which he authored in collaboration with eight leading theologians. In fact, numerous
Biblical texts stress the importance of knowing and understanding the name of God. These
include Isaiah 52/6, "Therefore my people shall know my name."; Psalm 91/14, "Because he
has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he
has known my name."; Isaiah 12/4, "…Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his
deeds among the people, make mention that his name is exalted."; and Exodus 20/7, "You
shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him
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