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the one who believes in Him. If a group of people see a watch in a forest, they will surely admit it has
a maker, and thus anyone of them who denies this will bear the burden of providing evidence to prove
his claim. Therefore, atheists, and not the faithful, are required to produce evidence as to the non-
existence of God. Sir Fred Hoyle, an English astronomer and cosmologist, primarily remembered today
for his contribution to the theory of stellar nucleosynthesis, once noted, "The chance that higher life
forms might have emerged in this way is comparable to the chance that a tornado sweeping through
a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein." It is strange indeed that atheists
deny the existence of the Creator when they did not witness their own creation nor that of the heavens
and the earth. As the Qur'an (18/51), "I did not call them to witness the creation of the
heavens and the earth, nor in their own creation. I do not seek the aid of those who lead
people astray." It also says, "Allah brought you out of your mothers' wombs devoid of all
knowledge, and gave you ears and eyes and hearts, so that you may give thanks." (16/78)
Modern science has dealt successive blows to atheism after the confirmation that the universe has a
beginning and the collapse of the theory that matter is real and eternal following the promulgation of
the Big Bang Theory and the second law of thermodynamics; the rise of the Intelligent Design (ID)
movement which pointed out various deficiencies in the theory of evolution and undermined theories
upheld by atheists; the clear evidence of the expansion of the universe; and the existence of the soul,
as has been scientifically proven by Wilder Penfield, the founder of the Montreal Neurological Institute
and one of the greatest neuroscientists who ever lived, among other scientists. The discovery of DNA
and its complex nature, has also undermined atheism, in addition to the recognition that proteins and
other cellular subcomponents all possess exceedingly complex structures, proving the impossibility
that such structures emerged after inanimate and unconscious atoms came together by chance to
form such complex structures. Paleontology has also proven the hollowness of atheism and the
concept of its principle and so has the anthropic principle, the philosophical consideration that
observations of the physical universe must be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that
observes it. The more science progresses, the more evidence of the existence of the Creator increases,
which clearly refutes the atheists' erroneous notions they are propagating.
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