P. 82
Islam: The Monotheistic Religion of All the Prophets
An objective analysis of the aforementioned Christian doctrines would certainly lead to
only one conclusion: they are both irrational and contradict the teachings of Jesus. It is
sufficient to know that during the years immediately following Jesus' ascension to Heaven,
none of his followers considered him other than a prophet of God. The doctrines
previously mentioned were conceived many years later, which is a clear indication that
the foundation of the Christian Church was based on a considerable deviation from the
original message of Jesus and all the other prophets before him.
Believing in the oneness of God and worshipping none besides Him is the rule, and
associating others in worship with God was an exception to the rule and only came at a
later stage in the history of humankind. People worshipped God (Allah) alone for ten
centuries after Adam, and it was only prior to the era of Prophet Noah that idol worship
began to be practiced. This was the result of people's excessive love and veneration of
some righteous individuals among them who had passed away. They ascribed divine
attributes to them, believing that they would bring them closer to God and intercede for
them before Him. It was for this reason that God sent Noah to guide his people back to
the right path and to call them worship none but Allah. After that He sent one prophet
after another to various nations to preach the same message: to declare that God is One
who alone is worthy of worship.
The primary mission of the prophets was not only to call people to believe in God as the
Supreme Being and accept Him as the Creator, Provider and Sustainer and Disposer of
all affairs, for even the polytheists innately knew that God existed and never doubted this
fact.[1] Only a few of them pretended to deny God's existence. Some people sought
closeness to God through good deeds and prayers in difficult times. However, during
times of ease, they would seek God's assistance and support through mediators and
intercessors; and so the prophets called them to pray to God alone without seeking the
aid of mediators or intercessors. Because monotheism is the foremost and most important
obligation as well as the criterion by which deeds may be considered valid and acceptable,
we find that all the prophets began calling their peoples by preaching it
first: "Worship Allah; you have no other god but Him." (Qur'an 7/65); "We sent a
messenger among every people [saying], 'Worship Allah and avoid false
deities.'" (Qur'an 16/36); "We sent no messenger before you without revealing
to him: There is no god but Me, so worship Me." (Qur'an 21/25)