P. 83
It is clear, therefore, that Islam, which means total submission to the will of God, was
the same religion preached by all God's prophets and messengers of God, from Adam to
Muhammad, including Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, among many others. Islam
teaches that a Muslim must believe in all God's prophets and messengers and must not
make any distinction whatsoever between them. According to Islam, those people who
followed the guidance of the prophet of their time and worshipped God alone without
associating any false deities besides Him are all considered Muslims and they will be
admitted into Paradise in the hereafter.
Islam restored the message of monotheism God revealed to His prophets to its original
status. In fact, Islam is a continuation of this eternal message, which is, in essence, one.
Allah sent His messengers to convey this message to their people. With the passage of
time, however, it was mixed with superstitions, false beliefs, pagan rituals and wrong
practices. Islam, as revealed to Prophet Muhammad, is a revival of monotheism taught
by Jesus and all of the prophets who came before him. It is a universal message that is
addressed to all humanity until the end of time and is not specific to a particular people,
as was the case with the previous divine messages.
When Islam came, it condemned all erroneous beliefs and restored the true concept of
God to its pure status. It clearly states that God (Allah) alone is the Creator, the Provider
and the Disposer of everything in the universe. It teaches that God's attributes are perfect
in every respect and that He is free of any imperfection.[2] This necessitates that He
alone deserves to be worshipped and that no one should be worshipped besides Him.
This also requires that He should be worshipped in accordance with His law, not in
accordance with the dictates of newly invented matters in religion that are in opposition
to the Qur'an and the Prophet's teachings, and that all acts of worships should be directed
to Him alone.
Just as confirming the oneness of God (monotheism) is the greatest and most important
duty in Islam, associating others with God is the gravest sin, which God never forgets
unless one sincerely repents of it. As the Qur'an (4/48) states, "Allah forgives not that
partners should be set up with Him; but He forgives anything else, to whom
He pleases." Indeed, this is the sin which will deprive those who commit it from being
admitted into Paradise and will cause them to dwell in Hellfire for all eternity. This is
exactly what Jesus himself said, as the Qur'an (5/72) states, "Worship Allah, my Lord
and your Lord. If anyone associates anything with Allah, Allah will forbid him