Page 125 - Math SL HB Sem 1
P. 125
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P"^rl Y "s
l. [Maximum mark: 6J
Letp:sin 40.and q:cosl10..
Give your answers to the following in terms of p and/or q.
(a) Write down an expression for
(i) sinl40"; [2 marksJ
(ii) cos70". A"t, P
Ant ^
(b) Find an expression for cosl40..
ys ,,r,,lrr1
h.t, aoL"-l
c) Find an expression for tan /p".
[] markJ tunt , Y
a - ${aximun mark: 6J
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G) Grven rhat .".1 = 1- and 0 s -{ S t . fild cos 2,.t has
l) [3 markJ
-)- .'kiq
(lr) Grven thirt sur B = a nr,,l 1< B s r, fiud cos.B G
32 A*s [i morksJ
I . [Maximnn mark.- 6]
,r.*"O* shows triangle peR_
( !:r?w The length of [pe] is 7 clr . the lengrh of [pR]
is l0 cm, and PQR rs 75".
diagrant ot to
l0 cm R
G) Find PF|.Q.
Anr: +L-90 [j rnarkJ
(b) Furd the area of kiangle peR Ar,' jt.ocw 1
[3 markJ