Page 129 - Math SL HB Sem 1
P. 129
7 [Maxinutn mark l8J
The followir:g diagram slrovs a seoictcle cettr€ O, dianeter
[AB], w.ith radius 2_
Let P be a point ol the circtmference, with pOB
= 0 radians_
o B
(o) Find fie area of the tnargle OpB, it telns of g hnt , 29fn 0
[2 marksJ
O) Explain lvhy the area of triangle OpA is the sane as the area kiangle OpB,
[) marbJ
kt S be the total area of the two segrDeots shaded in the diagram belorv
o I]
- [3 xmr]cJ
(c) Slrow that S = 2(r 2sing) -
(d) Fiad the value of 0 when S is a local minimrr,, justi&irg
that rt is a mi'imum [8 morbJ
h."l ,0 1t/^
G) Fiad a walue of 0 96r.116.5 5has its greatest valne. [2 marfu]
hrs 0'o