Page 31 - Math SL HB Sem 1
P. 31
Pastr Yra ", 6.urt4xv s CALqsBe.A)
[tVoxinrum nark: 6J
j, g,
t. Consrder lhe ari.tlunetic sequelc. 2- I I, ..
(a) Frud z,o, ..
An t 3 o t [3 marks]
(b) Find the vahre of ll so tllat tr,, 1i2. ..
= An s 5l
[3 marksJ
[Maxunurn rtark: 6J
2 Consrder thc ilfinite geornerrrc seqlrence g00, _64g
-1000 , I l0g0, ,
(a) Find the conuron rauo ,
A-S - O. b p norkJ
(b) FrIrd the 10e ternr
Arr , ^ 3 0 . 2
[2 narksJ
O Firrl dre exact sruu of the rrrfinite seqpelce. Ln I .. I S 1 g p ntarksJ
J . Colsider rhe infilite geotietric sequeuce 25. 5, I _ 0,2 , , . -
(a) Frnd the corurroD ratio . o '2
(b) Frritl
hr"s l.)-gxl0
(D the 10m tenn;
(ir) al expression for the n+ term. 2' (
A-t ;)^-'
G) Firxl the srrrn of the ilfurite sequerce, 4,al' jl'1-5
]' Gir'.n that p =169,5, q
=log,2,express the folloq.rrg tr terrns of p and,lor q .
(a) log" io k,ls, P +4
O) log, s Ay.s' jtL
G) log,2.5 h-t V-+