Page 32 - Math SL HB Sem 1
P. 32

          5  The population  of a crty at the end of i972 rvas 250 000 The population ncreases bv
              1.3 7o per year.

              G)   Write dos,n the population at the eltl of 197i                    At ts    a5 3a90
                                                                                                j  b8 jlg
              (b)  Find the population at tire end of2002                             tts

         e .  [Maximum   mark: d]

               Tlre first four tenns ofa sequence are 18, 54. 162. 486

               G)   Use all four terurs to shorv that this is a geometric seqrrelce.             [2  ntorksJ

               (b)  (0  Find al expressiorr for the rrt tenn ofthis geometric  sequeirce    hns'   l9  'r  t  6-l
                    (u)  If the nt term of the sequence is 1062 882  , find the ralue of n

         /   .  0,Iaxiltum   nark: 6J

              (u)  Write clon'rr  the first drree ternrs of the sequetrce  uo  lp, f65 2 ) l.    Q  ma*.1
                                                                                       /,ts'    g'  b1q
              (b)  Find

                   (,    f  rn;                                                         A'1  ('  b3a

                                                                                        [,s      l+ 52-0
                   ('i)  Il,.                                                                    [5  narksJ

          B    [Maximttnz  mark 6]

               Let  ;f(,r:):   hg, x, r' > 0  -

               (a)  Write dorvn thr v:ahre of

                    (D    fk);                                                        l\n\'    i

                    (ii)   .f(l);                                                      kfit   o

                    (iii)  /(a4).                                                     hYr< +      [3  ntarksJ
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