Page 87 - Math SL HB Sem 3
P. 87

t/.    [Maximum   nark: l2J
      w   lt
            Two fair 4-sided dice,  one red and one green, are thrown. For each die. the faces arc
       t)   labelled l,2,3,4-  The score for each die is the number which  lands face dou'n.

            (a)  List the pairs of scores that give a sum of6.                                     [3  marks]

            The probabitity  distribution  for the sum ofthe scores on the two dice is shosn  belou'.

                  Sum             2       J        4       )        6       7        8

                                                   3       1                         I
                  Probabilitl'    p       q
                                                  t6       l6      l6               l6

            (b)  Find the value ofp, of  4.  and of r.                                             [3  nzarksJ

            Fred plays a game. He throws two fair 4-sided dice four times. Hc u.ins a prize if the
            sum is 5 on three or more throws.

            (c)  Find the probability  that Frcd wins a prize.                                     [6  nrurksl

                                                                          M I 2/5/MATM  ts/SP2/ENG/'IZ  I /,(X

        l(   JM*i*um    mark:  7J

             The probability of obtaining "tails" when a biased coin is tossed is 0.57. The coin is
             tossed ten times.  Find the probability  of obtaining                                                 -

             (u)  at least four tails;                                                             [4  marksJ

             (b)  the fourth tail on the tenth toss.                                               [3  marls]

   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92