Page 68 - Math SL HB Sem 2
P. 68

Kolej MARA Seremban                                         Mathematics  IB High Level
                                                                                        Core : Vectors

                Vectors In 3-Dimensional Space

                The Cartesian  coordinate  for space  are often called rectangular coordinate  .

                                                  This consist ofa fixed point O, the origin, and three
                                                  mutually perpendicular  axes,  O.r  ,  Oy and Oz. The axes
                                                   are placed  in such a way that they form a right-handed
                                                   set as shown in figure 2.1.

                                        v         Each pair of coordinate axes determines a plane called
                           o                       a coordinate plan e. These  are referred to as the.r/-
                                                  plane, the xz-plane  and the yz-plane.
                         Figure  2.1

                              P(1  ,2 ,3)         Any point P in space can be specified by an ordered
                                                  triple of numbers  (a  6, c) where a ,b  and c are the
                                                  steps  in the direction ofx, y and z axes
                                 3                respectively,  to P.
                                                  ln figore 2.2, we have constructed the point P(l  ,2 ,3).
                         Figre 2.2

                                                  We now take unit vectors i, j  and k in the direction of -r,
                           z                      y and z axes respectively.
                                   I ,2,3)
                                                  lfP(a  , b, c) is any point in the space, then the position
                                   3k             vector ofP is
                                        v                    OP:ai+bj+ck
                                ),                In figure 2.3, the position vector olthe point (1  2  ,  3)
                           2i                     is i+ 2j + 3k. Conversely, the point whose position
                 x                                 vector is 2i  4i + k has coordinates (2  , -4 ,  1).
                        Figure  2.3

                                     Component  of a vector,  column  representation
                                                     v2 =vri +vrj + vrk
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