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        Mr.  Chairman,  officers  of  the                         humble  simplicity,  yet  how

        Inter-American  Division,  the                            infinitely  exalted  was  his

        Caribbean Union Conference,                               mission. Christ is our example

        administrators from our sister                            in all things”.
        fields,  delegates  and  guests                           The  following  information  of

        and  friends,  attending  this  5                         this         report,          details           the
        session           of        the        Grenada            financial administration of the

        Conference.  It’s  a  privilege  to                       Grenada Conference.

        present  to  you  the  financial
        activities          of       the       Grenada            TITHE INCOME

        Conference  for  the  past  four

        years.                                                    During  the  period  2011  -2014

                                                                  our  total  tithe  income  was

        Assuming,  the  position  as                              $17,325,610 with an average of
        interim Treasurer in July 2016                            $4,331,403  per  year.  In  this

        and  then  appointed  Treasurer                           quadrennium,  the  total  tithe

        in January 2017. This has been                            income                received                was

        a      humbling             and        learning           $18,635,570, this represents an

        experience, which I thank God                             increase  of  7.56%  over  the

        for  his  guidance.  The  book                            period  2011  to  2018.  During
        Steps  to  Christ  Ellen  G  White                        this quadrennium we reported

        “the life of Christ was a life                            a  15.30%  increase  in  tithe

                                                                  income over the period 2015 to
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