Page 4 - MRS. aLLENA lUSAN-Peters
P. 4

During  the  period  under                                stewardship  for  the  past  2

        review  2016  reported  the                               years, and work done by the

        lowest tithe in the last four                             stewardship  department  in

        years.           During            the        last        training  and  educating  the

        quadrennium                       it          was         membership  we  can  see,  in

        reported  that  in  2014,  the                            2017  &  2018,  we  received

        Grenada                         Conference                $4,682,196  and  $5,128,739

        collected  $4,451,343,  which                             respectively,  represents  an

        was historical.                                           increase of 10% over the 2-

                                                                  year  period.  We  must  give
        With  the  church  placing  a
                                                                  God            thanks              for         his
        great emphasis on

                                                TITHE INCOME 2011 - 2018
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