Page 9 - Longyard - Information Memorandum_Neat
P. 9


 Tamworth is a bustling city located within the   Further to the equine centre, the Longyard
 New England region of NSW, straddling the Peel   Sporting Precinct is in the midst  of a massive
 River. Considered the major regional centre  for   enhancement, with plans to build world class
 New England, it acts as a base to many regional   facilities that will attract even more events and
 events, with one of its most well-known being   visitors to the city.
 the Tamworth Country Music Festival, hosted
 annually in January. Local, national and   Currently, the aforementioned equine centre
 worldwide acts and visitors alike, all converge on   acts as the centrepiece, but  the  recently
 the city to pay homage to Tamworth’s favoured   approved  Northern Inland Centre of Sporting
 music genre, and  can double  the town’s   Excellence to be included within the precinct, will
 population of 60,000* people, in the two weeks   soon turn the region into a hub  for some of
 it is put on.   NSW’s more premier sporting events.
    Current facilities include netball,  basketball,
 hockey, etics, and the equine, on top  of the
 Tamworth Sports Dome, a world class indoor
 sporting facility,  and the Tamworth Regional
 Entertainment and Conference Centre. Plans are
 also underway for a new synthetic athletics
 track, to enhance the current facility in place.

 A brand  new indoor aquatic facility and  cycling
 complex  is  also proposed, directly behind the
    Sports Dome and netball courts, adding further
 As well as music, Tamworth is well known for its   weight to the immediate region, and bringing an
 equine facilities and events, run from the   exciting new rise in popularity to the area that
 Australian Equine and Livestock Events Centre   will hugely benefit the Longyard  community
 (AELEC), located only a short walk from Longyard   including the Golf Course, Windmill Tavern, and
 Golf Course, and within the growing sporting   other potential enhancements that could be built
 precinct, locally  referred to as the Longyard   on golf course land to  take advantage of these
 Sporting Precinct. Boasting to be the largest   local projects.
 facility of its kind in the southern  hemisphere,
 recognising  Tamworth as the  “National Equine
 Capital of Australia” due to it hosting a high   *Approximately
 volume of annual equine events, the presence of
 several  equine organisation offices, and a large   Sources: The Northern  Daily Leader, 2016.
 number of nearby  breeding and training   Tamworth  Regional Council, 2017. Wikipedia,
 establishments.   2017. Population Australia, 2017.

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