Page 12 - Heart Transplant Protocol
P. 12

Heart Function Service: Heart Transplant Protocols

               extended outside the infant age range and to sensitized patients   although OPTN restrictions some of
               these practices.

               Table 1
                    Recipient                      Compatible donor                Incompatible
                    O                              O                               A, B, AB
                    A                              A, O                            B, AB
                    B                              B, O                            A, AB
                    AB                             AB, B, A, O                     ---

               Criteria for Suitable Recipient:
               No restriction on ABOi is placed by OPTN in infants (<12 months age). For children between 1 and 2
               years of age OPTN allows ABOi transplant provided isohemagglutinin titers are ≤ 1:16. From the clinical
               standpoint titers <1:64 can usually be safely crossed and even higher titers if consideration is given to
               managing the potential antibody mediated rejection (AMR) by measures that may include rituximab
               immediately pre-transplant, plasmapheresis and eculizumab.

               Pre-Transplant Protocols:
               Isohemagglutinin Assessment
               Assess isohemagglutinin titers (anti-A and anti-B antibodies) in those considered for an ABOi transplant.
               Check at time of listing for status 1A/1B and re-check monthly during waiting period (OPTN
               requirement). Repeat when a potential ABO-incompatible donor becomes available.

               Blood Products While Listed
               For patients who may be suitable for an ABOi transplant in the future and require blood products then
               the following guide (Table 2) regarding transfusion blood group products should be followed:

               Table 2 Transfusion Products
                                                                            1                 2
                         Recipient                  RBCs        FFP, Platelets  or Cryoprecipitate

                         Group O                     O                           AB

                         Group A                   A or O                        AB

                         Group B                   B or O                        AB

                   1.  If there is insufficient availability of group AB platelets, group B or A platelets can be used if saline-washed
                       and concentrated to remove excess antibody (Lori West, Alberta protocol Jan 2006).
                   2.  Any blood type can be given if necessary but preference is given to AB.

               Peri-Transplant Protocols:
               With Pre-operative labs, obtain isohemagglutinin titers

               Updated November 9, 2017                                                                    12
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