Page 34 - Heart Transplant Protocol
P. 34

Heart Function Service: Heart Transplant Protocols

                     Valganciclovir 60 mg/ ml may be compounded at CMC pharmacy.  The suspension is stable for
                       35 days.
                     Administering Valganciclovir with food promotes absorption.
                     Use chemotherapy precautions when administering IV Ganciclovir.
                       1.  CMV serology, and CMV PCR will be obtained at time of heart transplant from both donor and
                              recipient to assess risk.
                       2.  For CMV R -, obtain CMV IgG and IgM in addition to CMV PCR until seroconversion occurs.
                       3.  For CMV R+, order CMV PCR.
                       4.  CMV surveillance schedule as follows post  heart  transplantation:
                                   2 weeks
                                   1 month
                                   2 months
                                   3 months
                                   6 months
                                   Every month from  6- 12 months
                                   Every 3 months after 12 months post-transplant until patient seroconversion
                                   Once CMV seroconversion occurs following 12 months from transplant, only
                                     obtain CMV PCR as clinically warranted.

                         Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitous virus, which commonly infects immunosuppressed
                          patients. If not rapidly diagnosed and treated, the virus can cause retinitis and fatal hepatitis
                          or pneumonitis. CMV antibody negative patients who receive organs from CMV seropositive
                          donors are at a high risk for CMV disease.
                         CMV  is  suspected  whenever  a  patient  has  persistent  fevers,  or  flu-like  illness  (myalgia,
                          arthralgia)  accompanied  by  leukopenia,  neutropenia,  lymphopenia  or  a  dropping  platelet
                          count (CMV syndrome).
                         CMV work-up includes a CMV PCR and/or CMV Antigenemia.
                         All patients with CMV infection should receive an eye exam from an ophthalmologist to check
                          for CMV retinitis.
                         If pneumonitis is suspected, a broncho-alveolar lavage should be performed and cells stained
                          for  CMV.  If  the  results  are  equivocal  or  negative,  an  open-lung  biopsy  may  need  to  be
                         If CMV is strongly suspected, or if a positive culture is obtained, then treatment will be guided
                          in consultation with Infectious Disease physician.
                         The dose of IV Ganciclovir is 5 mg/kg.  The dosing frequency is dependent upon the
                          Schwartz GFR:

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